Airtel Super Singer Season 5 is the fifth iteration of the hugely popular singing competition reality show. The show, which is sponsored by Bharti airtel, seeks to find the greatest playback talent in Tamil Nadu through statewide auditions. Contestants pass through various rounds to be in the reckoning for the season finale where the winner is finally decided. The winner gets a chance to sing playback for Tamil films as well as win other prizes such as gold, cash and real estate. Millions of fans watch super singer grand finale every season.
For the fifth season of the show, auditions were conducted all over Tamil Nadu and telecast on Tamil tv till 3rd July. The audition judges for the first round included previous winners Diwakar and Saisharan, and former contestants such as Pooja Vidyanath, Sonia, Santhosh Hariharan and D. Sathyaprakash. The audition judges for the second and third round included S. P. Charan, Shalini, Sowmya, Mahathi, James Vasanthan, Devan Ekambaram, Pushpavanam Kuppuswamy and S. P. Charan. Zonal auditions were judged by K. S. Chithra, Mano and Malgudi Shubha. 33 contestants were selected for the finals after these rounds.
After a year of gruelling musical performances, intense competition and nerveless performance before legendary musicians and singers of the Tamil film industry, 5 finalists are in the battle for the ultimate crown. Direct finalists Raja Ganapathy, Siyad and Fareedha and wild cards Lakshmi Pradeep and Anand Aravindakshan will vie for the ultimate prize of Airtel Super singer season 5. The grand finale will he held at DB Jain college grounds in Chennai on March 18.
The finale will feature performances from the finalists as well as renowners musicians, singers and celebrities such as Srinivas, Mano, Gana Bala, Sean Roldan and Sid Sriram. There will be two freestyle rounds where the finalists will perform with pianist-composer Stephen Devassy. The winner will be decided on the basis of audience voting and the decision of the judges, based on the performance in the grand finale.
The show will be telecast live on Star Vijay TV. If you are not in India, you can catch the grand finale on Star Vijay TV online by subscribing to Tamil TV package.
For the fifth season of the show, auditions were conducted all over Tamil Nadu and telecast on Tamil tv till 3rd July. The audition judges for the first round included previous winners Diwakar and Saisharan, and former contestants such as Pooja Vidyanath, Sonia, Santhosh Hariharan and D. Sathyaprakash. The audition judges for the second and third round included S. P. Charan, Shalini, Sowmya, Mahathi, James Vasanthan, Devan Ekambaram, Pushpavanam Kuppuswamy and S. P. Charan. Zonal auditions were judged by K. S. Chithra, Mano and Malgudi Shubha. 33 contestants were selected for the finals after these rounds.
After a year of gruelling musical performances, intense competition and nerveless performance before legendary musicians and singers of the Tamil film industry, 5 finalists are in the battle for the ultimate crown. Direct finalists Raja Ganapathy, Siyad and Fareedha and wild cards Lakshmi Pradeep and Anand Aravindakshan will vie for the ultimate prize of Airtel Super singer season 5. The grand finale will he held at DB Jain college grounds in Chennai on March 18.
The finale will feature performances from the finalists as well as renowners musicians, singers and celebrities such as Srinivas, Mano, Gana Bala, Sean Roldan and Sid Sriram. There will be two freestyle rounds where the finalists will perform with pianist-composer Stephen Devassy. The winner will be decided on the basis of audience voting and the decision of the judges, based on the performance in the grand finale.
The show will be telecast live on Star Vijay TV. If you are not in India, you can catch the grand finale on Star Vijay TV online by subscribing to Tamil TV package.
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