A popular show of Indian television, Naagin aired on Colors channel from 1st November 2015 will soon go off the air in the middle of May 2016. This show is a Hindi TV series starring Mouni Roy, Arjun Bijlani and Adaa Khan. It is about the love and revenge of a Naagin (Female snake).
The show has gained popularity in a very short span of time and entirely a new concept on Colors channel. It is a story of a female snake, which is basically an Icchadhari Naagin, who can change into a beautiful woman from snake and snake from a woman. This show airs on Colors channel at 8 PM on weekends for one hour.
This, indeed, is a sad new for the fans of Naagin show but you can always watch this series of Naagin at Colors TV online. Although Naagin will soon get the discontinued, Colors TV will certainly bring some new and interesting for its viewers. Till then enjoy watching Naagin every weekend at 8 PM only on Colors TV.
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