Mahesh Babu is one of the biggest names in the Telugu film industry. The actor recently clinched the International Indian Film Academy Awards Utsavam for the best Actor Telugu. He is loved by fans all over the world. He started his Twitter in 2010 and as of 2015 he had over 1.5 million followers as the numbers keep going up. This tech-savvy superstar makes time for his fans by keeping up appearances as well as chatting with fans on Facebook and Twitter.
There is great news for fans as Mahesh Babu on Freedocast will chat with fans from across the world on 14th May at 6:30 pm on the App. For all the fans who want to get to know this superstar better can download the Freedocast App from the Playstore and Appstore. So, keep all your questions ready and this is definitely the best way to connect with Mahesh Babu Live. And who said dreams don't come true?
Mahesh Babu Live | Chat With SuperStar Mahesh Live by imrozekhan
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