Raj TV Aired Swaragini as Ganga Jamunaa in Tamil

The popular Hindi TV series Swaraginioriginally began airing in March 2015 and has now been remade for Tamil viewers as Ganga Jamunaa. Itis available for viewing on Tamil TV channels
The storyline centers on two half-sisters, Swara and Ragini who call themselves Swaragini and follows their lives, loves and losses. The series has everything necessary to keep viewers engaged and entertained, including extended family conflicts and heartbreaks.

Swaragini has been nominated for several prestigious awards, including the 2015 Indian Television Academy Awards and Zee Gold Awards. The lead actors were nominated and won Best Actor and Best Actress in the 2016 Colors Golden Petals Awards. 

Viewers interested in this Tamil TV series can find Ganga Jamunaaon Raj TVas it premiered on 6th June. Fans of the show will find more information about the series on Raj TV online and they can watch Ganga Jamunaa Online.
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